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Sunday, 27 January 2013



1-The Great Return


They struggle a lot
              to be eligible,

The eligibility to
              suffer in cold,
               soak in heat,
              drench in rain.

They take the oath,
           the oath to keep the trust of his country.

They suffer that in return they could offer
                                 a safe territory.

         a mother gives birth to her child,
         a teacher teaches his candidate,
         a doctor treats his patient,
         a peasant harvests his crops,
         a laborer does his work,
   and a ruler rules his fellowmen.
Their contribution is no less than of these.

x                 x                x           x

Some times they fall in confusion
      while they have to attack their enemy,
If not a criminal; have to save a citizen,
Or -if not, then die in their hand.

But does a criminal or terrorist ever come
                      as how they should appear.

They have to over come this deception
                       critically and cleverly.

When they have to fight back
                       they do not sleep,
                       stay aware day and night,
                       never retreat,
                 and ready to give his life.

Inside their territory if one is safe
                        that is due to them.

x                    x                     x                   x

Here is the Great return come
             when he had to pay his life for his country,
Leaving the family member behind
                      with a memory and medal-
And a national salute to his coffin.



Thou came with a new
                    hope and courage.
Thy word of assurance make,
                    us feel comfortable.
Thou ask not to-do the unnecessary
                     and waste time in vain.
Punishing us,where thy regard that,
                     we are deserve it.
Solved many dispute by interfering in
                    our disputes and resettle it.
Advices as father and bearing our,
                     mischief and mistake as mother.
The knowledge you provide are the light,
                      for us to see our dark future.
Though many of us criticised,blamed and
                       tried to hamper your honour by terrible jokes.
All thou forget and forgive us,as a
                         mother does to her child.
You are not teacher, you are an
                         angel of heaven for our salvation.

3-Winter Morning

Here is the end of
             cold and dark night.
The sun peeps and rises
               it rises in the east.
All animal and bird
               wait for its soft heat,
To worm their body
             poor men's fire now burnt.
Children become active
            Being out of fur coat and mothers lap.
The mist are no more
          nor the dew drop on grass.
But what about
            the bud,
Not bearing cold last night
          fall on grass,
The tree is not
           happy today for the bud,
The bud that must blossom in to
              A beautiful flower is no more .


5 -  

Games Games Games
                   There is only one theme,
Onlooker many comes
                  To see their side win,
They gather in the gallery
                    with the opponent,
Have discussion and description
                   about their own player,
As well as opponent
                     of whom they are fan,
Sharing their own view on many issue
                    make friendship with them,
Here a country with another
                        forget the diplomatic issue and enmity,
Waving their flag coloring their body
                        showing placards that manifest the word of their heart,
And at last looser keep silence
                          but winner shouts,
It shouts with joy
                          which the looser cannot bear,
And leaves the stadium
                      with a dislike the player,
Of whom   he was fan
                     in home tears and burns his photos,
Here is the end of the desire
                         the desire for being fan and for the game,
Till the next world cup began.

6 -
To The Friend

No,He is not your wife
                       chosen be your parents,
No, He is not your Parents
                     chosen by nature,
He is chosen by you
                        and only by you consciously.
Who stand by you
               at your need,
But you look for him
                   in your prosperity.
Your friend is your for ever ,
Who holds your hand
            before you fall,
Makes your aware
              before your spoil.
Thy little and cheap gift,
                You feel more valuable,
Than the diamond gift of other.
He feels ashamed and
               despised by other,
That pains you too,
Still you adore him
more than you do for other.
Your friend is your for ever.


7 - 

The new baby, comes
                    it comes with new eye,
The eye on which
                hold other eye .
Every one greet her,
                 in their way.
To the new world
                  Where there was no laugh and cry,
Prior to its presence.
In the family
There was terrible calm
                like burial places.
Here the new guest come
                  who brought laugh in mothers eye,
Making her heart light.



8 - 

The sun gets cool down
and the hotness of the day ceases,
Silence now  overtakes crowd
the west sky turn pink and  red ,
Daylight retreats and twilight dominates
farmers return with the cereal they mow,
Birds are back to their nest
little fish jump up on surface of river water,
Fisherman spread his net with their boat
chill grows with the wind that blow slow and cool,
Every body return home from their job
For a child to-day is something different
but not for an old,
The poor light now burn
it burn to light the terrible dark of poor-mans hut,
The small dinner thou brought
he is going to share with his family-members,
Here is the end of the day
that is memorable for some
and not so special for other.



9 -   

"O" It Bring the prosperous
                 to bed of throne,
It makes the powerful
                 to a weak one,
It turns a serious
                   to a laughing stock,
it turns a precious
                  to a valueless,
it turns an angry
                to a patienceful,
it turns the love
                into hatred
and hatred into love.

xxx            xxx               xxx

It turns a difficult
             into an easy task,
It turns a loanely
             in to crowd-place,
it turns a beggar
              into a king,
it turns an useless
             into a man of spirit,
it turns a great thought
             into a common sense,
and  a common sense in to  great thought.

So man is pyre of time
             wait and get when the time change.

10 - The Rain

The black cloud now makes
             the sky grow dark and out side dim.
               It is the time of coming rain
               making every body hurry
              and select a place to ambush rain.

                Makes the sound more and more
                drop falls in a queue.

Grow gradually
                Making many place wet
                road muddy
                animal steady.

Sur-Sur, Sur-Sur
                Pouring water
                 from high place
                 from roof and exit pipe
                 to downwards.

Tiny rivers start flowing
                making pavement downwards
                as the new young men love
                and  forget in adverse,
                so it get dry when the rain stops.

x            x                      x

When it falls,

On green field
                 it makes it look more greeny-greeny
                    and the blowing air
the paddy field up&down ,

On sand
                   The rain drop get soaked
                   like a hungry beggar takes bread,

On  Pond
                   It create a wave little
                   as a little question for wise man,

When it ceases
                  Children comes out of the house
                   with paper boat to float on drain,
                   and all the creature comes out of
                   hidden place  and search
                   for what they are to,
                  man is not exception to it.
And finally I say -
                 Rain is nothing
                 but a love   of heaven
                 for earth  without
                which, the earth is barren.

Nature’s precious gift

They express their thought
                                   batter than other poet do.
Love is a feeling
                     which does have no impact without them.
They do their art for their pleasure

                     That makes us please too.
There is a vast story remains under their art,

                       No ordinary man can understand , How?
They compose most complicated song
                        by using an ordinary sound.

They make most miracle
                         by their simple act.

They look most beautiful
                          not by making them-self up, How?

Does any flower wear any garment,
Does any bird learn how to sing,
Has any cascade ever been asked to be so ,Then why not?

Because they are the nature’s precious gift so...

When we stop listen
our conscious speaks
it speaks the truth of life.

When we silence
our heart listen
it listen the sound of still nature.

When we close our eye
our soul see
it see the picture of poor
that is helpless.

When we stop
our mind march on

it march on to do something
for them with some new creative.

When nature closes its eye
we see
we see the dream of its flora & fauna.

When they devastate
we construct
we construct to refresh it.

When we don’t answer
an answer comes
it comes from with -in our feeling
and all quire get sort out.


 Their faces are graceful
                  and hopes are ready to come true,
Some of them are lazy and sluggard
                  others are active as butterfly.
Some are very skillful behave discreet like elder,
                  others are dull and treat like as they should.
When I speak in class,
          they expect something new from me,

When I tell a story,
                  they enter in to it so deeply that-
                  hardly they find themselves up where they are.

Some times my words hurt them ,
                    and give them pain;which I tell, for their good.
Tear drops down on their cheek.

Having seen it some goes brood,
           and other assure her with their courageous words.

When I remember this later in alone,
I feel regrate with keeping a hope
                          that they should not mind my words,
Instead take it as broom for the
                          dirt of their unsequire future.



When you are hungry
She asks you to feed,
Where there is danger,
She makes you aware.

Where there is trouble
She informs you,
Where there is guilty
She reforms you,
Where there is fear
She Assures you,and say words of
hope and courage.
*    *    *
In case of acquisition
She tries to prove you innocent,
When you disobey her
She punishes you.
When you confess your error
She loves you.
Your mischief and mistake
she forgets and
even if you harm her
she forgives.

When you are hurt
Thy feels the pain in thy heart.

To make you good in future,
She sacrifices her love for you.

*    *    *

When she beats you
went to you,while you asleep
and repents by dropping thy tear at you.
saying “I do not wish to beat darling”.

Whenever you call her maa---maa---
She keeps her ear at this sound,
runs to you leaving all important works.

When she does not find you near her,
She calls you in such a sweet voice
that you can not but come avoiding all temptation.

Eye beautiful eye

Eye beautiful eye
express love and coy,
Eye fearful eye
express terror and threat,
Eye suspicious eye,
express doubt and cheating,
Eye ferocious eye
express anger  and cruelty,

Eye thoughtful eye
express inspiration  and idea,
Eye searching eye
express clever and acuteness,
Eye serious eye
express hardship and carefulness,
Eye sorrowful eye
express sadness and poverty,
Eye pleased eye
express happiness and joy.

                                                         Chitta Ranjan Das
how do you feel my blog

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