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Monday, 1 April 2013



                     ( A thought  for  thoughts)

A man is, what he thinks.
If a man thinks to write,
He is a writer.
If a man thinks to kill,        
He is a killer.
If a man thinks to Produce,
He is a producer.
If a man thinks to Manage,
He is a manager.
If a man thinks to think,
He is a Philosopher.

So it is his thought which pertains, who is he to be.A man can change himself only if he is able to change his thought.

"Thought" We all know there is thought ,but nobody could prove its tangible form.But when a thought converts in to act or word,there- we know what kind of thought was that in the mind of the person. "Thoughts that rule the world when turns into action " It is human thought that has brought the human being at the stage we see now.It changes our way of life that is -science,politics & economy of life as well as of a country.In daily life our business,job and relation also take differ sense in relation to our thought. So it is good to know little or more about thought.
                 It is without thought the world must be a dumb place to live on, I mean man must live like an animal.Thought makes man clever ,intelligent and stupid depending on his or her efficiency of thought.
                                                                Following are the places where if you do not think properly you must face its consequence--
                                1 - If you do not think properly for your business you must face loss instead of profit.
                                 2- Before launching a product in the market, if the scientist of the company will not think details
                                     over the   product , it will prove default and no customer will desire to purchase it.
                                 3- If a lecture will not think exactly over how to teach the pupil then the disciple will not learn properly.
                                 4- If Doctor will not think how to cure a patient,then the patient can't be cured.
                                 5-It is the thought of the parents that make their children good citizen.
                                 6- Act of terrorism springs from the thought of human being.
                                 7-The luck of a state changes if the president /prime-minister changes his thought while dealing .
                                 8- If you do not check your thought before talking there is chance to slip of tongue.


Thus thought has important role in our daily life. Some time many complicated thought   comes in our mind which has huge impact on us as well as in our life and work.In my inferior knowledge I sit for to sort out all these thoughts as follows.

                             I- Present (Fresh )Thought
                            II- Reoccurring Thought
                            III- Outdated Thought(Rubbish)
                           IV- Extravagant thought /Miscellaneous

I ) Present Or Fresh Thought --------

                                                             Fresh thought are the thought which comes in our mind at once when we face a new situation in our daily life.Basically these thought comes when we have to deal with the situation we face as follows after suppose
a) some one break a glass.b)If you caught while stealing some thing.                           
                                1- What shall I do now,
                                2- What would be its outcome,
                                3- What action will be taken against me
                                         If we are on enjoyment or merrymaking for example in picnic these thoughts comes often but positively.

II ) Reoccurring Thought-------------
These thoughts are the thoughts that comes in our mind frequently even if you do not want it to think or you have stopped thinking still it comes in the mind. Suppose a trial in the court is under process hence this incident possesses Reoccurring thought in your mind.Some times even without your notice it comes in your mind, often your try to stop, but it comes again and again.This causes
"absent mindedness".
                                  Mostly these thoughts comes when a man goes through the following circumstances.after suppose
a) If some body have died in a family.b)If some one sees a fatal accident .
                                  1- It reminds again and again
                                  2- some abnormal act like gossip with nobody
                                  3- Even cry just like the matter recently happened
                                     This thought changes the body and mind of the people absolutely.He forgets all his normal dealing and put himself in to in-habitual condition.

III ) Outdated Rubbish Thought-----

                                                               The thoughts that are of no use now but many time we think or it come in to our mind which are useless further in our life.It is the memory thought some times we like to discuss with our friend. This is a different thought in regard to the above mention.
                                         1- The thought of past glory.
                                         2- The thought of past activities.
                                         3- The thought of examination.
                                                              All of this kind of thought that was useful at the time the matter was happening or under process. You should have think this before the situation which might have brought a better result then normally had happened.If an examination is over the candidate thinks - "If I could have this answer then I must get better mark, If I could tell this I might have not been beaten.

                                          Some body have insulted you and you could not do any thing to him at that moment, but you think
about the matter later. This type of thought come even after many days of that incident has happened. Which has no use now.

IV ) Extravagant Thought-----------------
This is the rest of above are as follows

                           1- Creative Thought(Idea)
                           2- Ready thought
                           3- Incentive Thought
                           4-Disturbance thought
                           5-Obsessional thought

1- Creative Thought(Idea)---------
                                             These thought is to think about  good, improvement of issue  with new Idea or wit .Through this thought
people thinks first then- on the field he apply it  in his work/job.By this thought life of people and status of the company ,living condition of a family improves of grow day by day.

2- Ready thought------------------
                                              This thought is called the Experience thought of a man,this thought comes when a man get acquainted with a matter,issues or any job he does.Thus after a long period of time doing the same thing again and again this thought come to mind automatically.
3- Incentive Thought-----------------
                                                   This thoughts are to encourage ,motivate,invoke or modify people in some new direction for generous work.
 4-Disturbance thought---------------

                                                             This thought are to the opposite of the incentive thought its a negative thought  It is to plan how to destroy ,put other in trouble and bring ones life down,put them in crisis in their business .Which are not good at all.     
5-Obsessional thought-----------------
                                                      This thought comes when you have said wrong or done some thing fatal which consequence will be havoc .During the act and the result of the matter a thought goes on processing in the mind it ponder over the issue .But it get relax as soon as its result comes out.

Effects of Thought------------------
 Effects of thought means "The impact of the thought that fall upon our body and mind.We know often we see that if one  thinks a serious matter his facial appearance turns red and starts behave abnormally.

1- Present /Fresh Thought
                               The out come of this type of thought on your body is good as well as on your mind ,immediately he checks and rectify his wrong act and saves himself from any negative result.
2- Reoccurring Thought---------------

                                         This type of thought affects our body and mind making absent mind.At the time of this thought is on process, our mind does not recognize or accept other body signal that comes from limbs for example- here appetite comes but man doesn't feel hungry consumes less food which makes body poor and thin   nightmare happens which  weaken our body.
3-Out dated and Rubbish thought-----------
                                               This thought overloads our mind and secure the place of our mind and does not allow us to think the proper and necessary one.

          Shaping of Thought ---------------
                                                 A question rises can a thought be shaped ,the answer is -Yes,Because it is observed that if a child will be kept under thief,bugler or among any terrorist people his thought turns to be such.On the other hand if the child is kept under good and spiritual people he is sure to be so as well as his thought.
                                                   The source of the thought is mans intuitive power of his mind.In due course of time if people mix with good people and listen good thing as well as try to change his talk behavior to good then his thought gradually changes in this way we are able to change ones thought than it was before, but it will take time.

Tools for changing ones thought -------------


Controlling of thought ---------------------
                                       We never speak every thing that comes in our mind If it could have happen we must face a lot of trouble and problem.So we have the controlling capacity to our thought.If we shall keep a habit to control our thought the it will be easy to escape from many unnecessary situation we deal and thought that arise in mind.

                                                                 a power within

 Experience tells, where to speak ,and where to remain silence,
Experience tells, where to stop, and where to march on,
Experience tells, what to speak ,what to unspeak,
Experience tells, when to attack, when to surrender,
Experience tells, what will happen next, what had happen in past,
Experience tells, where to feel free, where to keep secret.


    Experience is the generator of prejudice & prudentiality.
Prejudice-It is an opinion of self, prior to having dig up into the fact or collection of common sense.
a-Prudentiality-It is the knowledge “What to sought and what to avoid”.
b-Prudentiality- It is to make better future with past knowledge.

Experience is a good teacher ,which gives the test first and lesson afterwards, with terrific payment.All the studies are collection of various experience.Experience is the talent built upon uncertain adventure & experiments which doing something new or better with innovative thought and idea.


From the origin of human race.Human being is getting better up with experience while he is doing a work indoor or outdoor.Experience in ancient age was regarded as cleverness.Following segment contributed them (people of ancient  age)new thing to make their life gradually better than the previous one.

How he deserve better food-
                Man in ancient age  used to eat raw meat. By Chance when the forest caught fire by lightning many animal died due to this havoc.When the human being ate those flesh of burnt animal,he tested it better than the raw one.Next he tried this procedure by himself.This is how he came also to  learn about fire- how and why to make it and keep it.

How he deserve of better shelter-

                Long ago man used to live in houses made on trees or mountain cages which was not safe for them and there was threat of wild animals attack and catching disease bitten by mosquito.That time he kept on burning fire to save himself from wild attack.Gradually he made mud houses with straw roof and closed the threshold with palm leave later he got the experience to make solid doors.

How he became capable of cultivation -

                    It must had happened while he was eating a ripe fruits he through the seed somewhere. After some day when he found that there is a plant sprout up from the seed.Then he collected different seed from different fruits and sowed.When he found not sprouting. He search into the matter and found that it grew in rain. So he applied it in rain.Then he came to know how seed grows into plants.

How he deserve of clothing-

                In the past man used wearing scale of trees then he found the animal fur,  got experience to make it human useable to keep his body warm safe from cold.He attached two different fur and sewed it to make broad to cover up  body.Here he learn how to stitch and got the skill of stitching.

How he made his hunting and security better-

                Primarily man used different type of shaped stone to hunt animals as well as to save himself from wild attack.After that he got the experience over how to make bow and arrow to kill animal from a distance.He take it with him along with his journey to different places.Gradually he came to know about metals like iron,copper.and made alloyed like brass,bronze out of which he made solid arms like spear and shield.

How He had better communication skill-

        Initially he used different sign using different body parts of his body.Then use different pose and posture through which he can express his view. After that he gradually developed various sound and try to express his view and thought, later he experienced with it to remember & recall afterwards at the time of need.What he could not remember kept in in mudslide.
         While the counting came  to necessity he fell in trouble.While he had to take his domestic animals to husbandry  at grazing place many wild animal grab  his livestock.To get inform  this, he applied a new method---That before relese out each livestock he kept a pebble for each one and in evening while returned he repeat the same activities letting each live stock enter in to shed. If a  pebbles remained vacant that indicated him the surety of lost one.

How he cured health from disease.

            Human being is art of bone flesh and blood and there is chances of catching disease like malaria,flu,smallpox diarrhea.There is some other chronic disease like cancer,T.B.diabetes.

When his body strength get down he realize that something wrong has happened to him.If he soon not get cured he will not live long.So he search for antibiotic and to revitalizing immunity of his body.He followed different kinds of heeling procedure.While in some cases he failed he find the cause and concluded that “prevention is better than cure”.

To cure a patient he observed the symptoms of the disease after identifying the disease he applied following process -
a-What type of food he takes
b-The drinking water
c-Climate condition
d-Using and wearing
If these are not good or get contaminated then there is possibility to catch disease.

He adopted some simple living style to prevent disease-
  • To take light food,
    Take clean water,
    Neat and clean cooking utensil,
    Keep staying surrounding neat and clean,
    Wear cleaned clothes,
    Take light exercise,and to do following  in right time

Some psychological formula

*Not to take mental tension
*Keep mind cool
*Not to lose temper
*Avoid anger and fear
How did he had better travel and transport-

While he had to travel a long journey he planned to tame animals.On which animal back he can sit and travel long route.He tamed ass,horse, camel and bullocks.Later made cart and tom tom fixed wheel with it for better convenience and speed.In River he made slot out of wood and used oar to float across the river.Finally he got the experience to make boat and in long journey he used canvas using in ship to travel across sea and big rivers.

How he stored produced crops to save for need time-

He preserved the excess crop for future use. while he got experience over rainy days nothing to eat.He made big mud pots and filled it with the excess crop which he did not used closed it with mud and store it for long period of time.He dried the crops and added powder of some bitter leaf like neem to preserve it for long time..

How he became capable of trading

         He get involve in his own work, when he wanted other goods than he produces, he had to depend upon other.Because same person cant do more than one type of profession at a time.So a farmer had to depend upon a fisherman for fish,a porter for pot  and a carpenter for wooden tools & furniture.The opposite had also to depend upon  farmer for food and crops.Here a problem raised that -the fisherman could not keep his fish for 3day or 4day long or any one whose products that has not durability of storing.This experience  made man to make money  which has store value as well medium of exchange.Here the concept of trading began.While in some remote region people cannot reach easily.Some  prefer to  purchase few necessary thing and sold them in that remote places with higher prices than they have purchased.They did it for profit  out of their province,country and oversea.

How he kept his art, Idea,sculpture & calculation  perpetual-

        He Used reed pen  to write on used palm leaf .Dig his arts in stone made different shape on mud slate and burn it  to store it for long time next generation.


 From the above ancient activities  we came to know that their experience was not little or inadequate    to live on and tackle the problem they face .The above technique   they adopted not in one day.  They did these research and examination, and after many experiments they follow a certain or particular one on which they can believe and get successful consequence.Gradually they became expert on those method and applied that later in their life which made their life better than before.

How Human Being applies his experience

     Lets see how man applies his experience-

1-Man faces a problem.
2-Cognise it thoroughly.
3-Takes various steps.
4-See the result.
5-Search whether any deficiency is in it.
6-Determines where  is the lacuna.
7-Apply it with intuitive thought.
8-Then plan to make it better.
9 - Find many innovative way he can.
10-Selects the suitable one and applies.

As soon as it get works there he gets the experience.

Scope of Experience-

        Outlook,acute,idea,innovative thought,intuitiveness,cleverness, plans,all these generated as a result of past experience.
~If one travels many places his outlook grows.
~If one discusses over issue his acuteness develops .
~If one does new thing every time his planning capacity develops.
~If one works his idea  grows.
~If one deals with some matter his cleverness grows.
~If one involve with some activities his intuitiveness grows.
~If one sit for thinking to make some new he become more  innovative.
       Self endeavor helps to develop his experience better.To take a mature decision one must have experience ,otherwise there is chance to take immature decission  which will result in falure .
There is want of experience, while a child is born; to burn thee after his death.

Lets see what is the maximum capacity of man to have experience over various subjects.

The following experiments will give us idea over it.

        A person has 24 hours  a day, out of which he sleeps 8 hours a day and the rest he remain awake and engage himself with different activities in different places.

    He joins at works where he stays 8 hours. It takes three months to see, observe and to get by heart the work of the job . Where he studies how to start,continue,keep on,and finish properly and to manage the difficulty arises  in inter-mediation.Then he gets permission to get down into field to work out self.His elder see what does he do.

    Some confusion and conflict arises while he works but these are sort-out by his colleague.One must take at-least 6 month to be perfect over a job.Yet there are other crises which he does not faces that had not come. Which he still to face.So he will take 1 year.Lets take the same to experience over two different section of work in one year.

    If the same person goes for other training during the rest 8 hour of his day suppose - typewriting where he spend 1 hour a day to learn and have experience it takes 6 month to have speed 60 wpm.Which is called an experience typewriter.

    If the person goes to learn driving he also takes 1 hour and after 6 month to become an expert driver.If he goes for learning how to sing for 1 hour and playing piano for 1 hour and guitar in this way he takes 4 hours in morning and 4 hour in evening then in his 60 years of age lifespan.If one starts from 24 years of age then he will be expert over 34 different subject(main/Prime)and 270 part-time profession, what he takes 6 month each to gain experience over.In aggregate he will have 306 different subject to be an expert.If he starts 2 or 3 year earlier,then he might cross the number I mention above.

    This is another important thing that is gaining experience is as important as to keep it in the memory .If one apply his experience after 10 years or 15 years, there is possibility of losing memory and the same person will left new to the same job.
    Exception to the above matter, one gets experience over many people he deals with
so on and so forth what I left


            Expert is he who have been getting experience over a job or work for many years.Expert search in to the matter and find the fault  give remark and remake it better than it was before.In many cases most people take advice from an expert, while dealing some new issue of their life.Many expert engineer ,doctor ,and teacher,farmer, scientist,technician and their job bring prosperity to state.How much burden will be levy upon them they will work out skillfully .Having start all work at a time they plan to do most important to less important consecutively.They do the less important next to most important They finish their work with such faculty  such that they don't waste time and finish in time.


Expert cycle -
                  Expert  take risk and give chance to the new fresh candidate. Then the new and fresh candidate also take risk and bear hardship after that he gains experience and finally become an Expert.Each sector from firm to pharmaceutical,field to factory this cycle has its circulation out of which many expert generated each year and this process or cycle keeps on going.It is a never ending process in society of silicon valley.If a part of this cycle will stop the whole processing will stop. If experts will not take risk and give chance to new candidate then no experience will be gained and a new expert will not to be found next.An expert is reserve of experience .only a good expert take risk and give chance to new and fresh candidate.When a doctor or engineer come after finishing his study join in medical or in project work of a company their hand shakes while go for a surgery.Most of them do mistake due to fear..Expert professor stay side by side  to help them in surgery and construction of building and bridges.
             If someone become expert and left the job that he was doing then the CEO must face loss because due to his leaving,the company had already beared all the expenses during his learning period.If such experience person comes in contact with evil or terrorist or try to have their company.They(evil or terrorist) will try to misuse his talent .An Expert mafia very very difficult to tackle and.To keep a state safe from expert terrorist.The plan of C.B.I.AND C.I.B.other criminal investigation bureau all fail in their plan to catch them.Their strategy  fails before the master minded expert .Pirates and sea thief expert in sea route.No Navy and sea coast guard can not have even trace of their activity.They rob the ship and abdicate the ship crew members force them to join in their gang.
How to be an expert-

               To be an expert we have to see in our surrounding there are many thing that happens where we can join.Before  joining we have to see *what is the necessary
*what is the use full
*what is the luxurious
*what is ornamental
*what is use full
*what is useless
*what is important
Experience is not same thing for all the people all the time.People type-1
            This type of people use their experience as they have gained .Without any faculty.They do the same thing that they learn.No addition or edition is found.
          This type of people add their talent to make necessary changes to make it  useful and good.
Type 3
      This type of people are creative and innovative thinker.They make a thing better than other.

Always choose the type -3 people to mix with.
Experience comes in following ways

        Some experience come while working and other if let it be left untouched.Some disease doctor cure by medicine.but in some cases .the doctors medicine does not works there the body recovers itself .Here the doctor should leave the patient untouched .Here if the doctor apply medicine that may poses havoc condition for the patience.
Some experience comes with patience “A barking dog doesn't bite”.
If you keep patience with a barking dog that  is barking at you. You must soon gain experience over,with very true and sure.This example pertains to above saying.
Some experience comes after repentance “A burnt child dread fire”
Once  there a lantern burning in the dark room and a baby goes to it again & again the mother restrict him frequently .but the child does not listen .Once the child went to the lantern without mothers notice and put his hand on glass of lantern and burnt his hand while tapped the hot glass of lantern .After this incident the child never goes to the lantern.
Some cases we apply different method and some time we put our life in risk.
When man first send a spacecraft to space at lift up man has beared many lives in exchange.

    Take time to mix with the people who are more experience .Keep yourself in not wasting time, keep engage your self in nearest job you find,and keep you mind towards rewards, not money .Observe deeply what you do before and after the work you do .What you do is appropriate or not if there is problem then think and plan.Try to find how to resolve and sort out .Experience does not come only in doing but to make effort in sorting out or resolving  the problem and difficulties. Take time to think over the issue, it gives you energy and plan to do the better in consequence.In this way  your experience will grows.Always get down in to field and face trouble.

Experience and Human being to day---

          Experience forces us to judge the better. A good experience is worth thousand studies.Because it is not cold or darkness absolutely or heat excess.Experience tells us how to use knowledge out of it.We judge an experience person from his mistake as well as from his well deeds and also past experience.
              When a force is commanded it should be done with experience otherwise without experience the force will collapse through its own mass.If you did not get a lots of good idea from your experience you must sure that a lot of foolish idea ceased.Experience is source of many abstract idea.Experience provides you mature thought and  abolishes immature thought which brings failure.The present constitution of each country in world is the abstract plan to manage the state out of great men experience.How to form,rule and run a state.It is not contrary to say experience is reserve of hidden energy.Knowlege what you face the practice, experience is what you face the inevitable.
           In our society we live partly depend upon our own experience and partly according to others.Timid thought after experience turn into great ideology.When experience speaks knowledge remain silence.Experience is a sense like other sense in our body.Life's first and last knowledge is experience.Experience is knowledge of poor and study of rich.Experience cannot provide you qualification but it improves your quality.


All have its good quality and drawbacks.If we go for looking for the drawback of experience we shall find “When the time changes place changes the same person with same experience cannot work..Mistake in experience is not fatal but too much anxiety may make.Firm and factory and many working places manager, owner and proprietor look for an experience person .They are less interested in giving chance to a newcomer or fresh candidate.The reason is if they give chance to new they must face trouble, bear risk and loss.So they hardly give chance to to them(inexperienced) in-spite of they have good qualification andn quality.A funny thing is if all will look only for the experience person then where from number of experience person will come.Because whoever is experience today was a new commer yesterday.While the present experience person will get old their post will fill vacant..No body is experience from his mothers womb.

Modern world in relation to experience.

Experience has modified the world a lot.Basically during the last 2 century and prior to it all the experience person philosopher & scientist came and contributed the unbelievable.
            George Stephenson,Graham bell,Michael Bevan,Thomas Edison,Michelfarede,Isaac newton,Elbertine,Alexander,Fleming,galileo,socratis,Machiavelli,plato huentsa,fihan,mao tse tung,Adam,smith.Aristotle,john Stuart mill,Marcony,Jone logibeyod,Twin brother,Whose experience brought huge chance in world in every sector of life.Transport,communication,space and media science, economics,business,politics,after their interference the lifestyle of human being was changed. Living conditions became higher than before.Their contribution is invaluable.

    All the above man were not high qualified but it is their experience help them to do new and extraordinary.It was their little thought which became great idea after experience and practice.Today experience make world goaround.
Experience and Risk
             Risk is the step towards experience .We take risk to add strength to experience .One hardly get experience if he does not put himself in to risk.A life that taken risk to gain experience is more honorable and useful than that which spread in doing nothing .It is harass to remain in confusion than to take risk and have experience over it .

            Taking risk cleans your vision and make you more experienced than before. Many doctor while attend patient with have no knowledge over the disease take risk, and after that they become experience .

              A scientist while doing some  new research with chemical and material  he has no idea, is involved in experiments, he put his own life in danger as well as peoples life in risk.At that moment people criticize him but he opens new way for the next generation .
Experience and circumstances

Experience has broaden the thought and idea of human being,and have made them able to recognize the real fact and find the real matter, discover the exact truth .In earlier time even in rural tribal areas and in among aboriginal deep into the forest of Indonesia ,India,Burma,Thailand as well as Africa.We find the people believing many superstition. Blind belief still now exist in their mind .They follow various traditional method to drive the spirit, ghost.After having experience this type of incident decreasing day by day.
Experience that generated out of circumstances has brought the world in to globalization.People of different country and culture and state come closer as well as to have access & follow each other dish,cloth and costume and their living style.
Human being has been able to catch up with the circumstances after getting experience.Some experience made human more adaptable to the circumstances earlier than he /she should be both psychologically and then physically.
Lets see the following example =>

To day we notice that the education of a child starts from age of 3+ just after 2 years  she/he is able to walk .Which is too early to start education.But the parents are paying less attention to this.They educate them forcefully which is absolutely contrary to the natural living condition of a child.In consequence what we find, we see that their mind and body get matured at the age of 10 -12 year.Which is 2 year earlier than they should be.
If a girl in the age of 14 -16 get conceive or get  pregnant the society and medical science does not allow this because at this stage the she is not capable of such a burden.Under the circumstances social pressure at the age of 3+ the child goes through various mental physical tension that puberty period comes 2 year earlier than it should.Which is not acceptable to medical science.
Some circumstances made man and some man made circumstances .When  a large number of people have to travel and a large sum of good have to transport this circumstances forced the world to adopt steam engine and railway system.Later when he found some drawback,   he then switch to internal combustion engine and the motor vehicle for quick travel and transport.

Experience and crisis

To day man faces  crises as follows
1.Political crises
2.Economic and financial crises
3.Health crises
4.Food and nutrition crises
5.Oil crises

Political crisis-
                     Political crisis arises due to many reason  that is inequality,monopoly business, colonization,and terrorist act etc. Which possesses disturbances,war and distortion.Experience holder feel each and every issue  deeply and nip the bud at its early stage via-treaty,agreement,ceasefire,league and contract of first party with second party.This is how they brought political crisis down.UNO is being established to interfere in it

Economic and Financial crisis-

While a country fall in to economic crisis IMF supports by extending helping hand to that country providing loans and other assistance.So that the country can stand out of economic rescission and see the welfare of his mass.

Health crisis-

In case of epidemic,pandemic & endemic,WHO is the unique effort against health crisis around the world.

Food and nutritional crisis-

To support the poor and hungry child UNICEF is there to stop hunger and malnutrition in children to bring up them well for their development around the world.

Oil crisis-

To stop and prevent arising crisis in petroleum in petroleum producing countries.for better allocation of oil, OPEC controls the production and prices.It brings stability-in mismanagement and over oil prices’ all over the world.
Experience and business-

Experience has made  man more efficient in business  both manufacturing and trading.Experience increases bargaining power at purchasing .He knew  how and why  and how price level stay up and low.

Business  extended to all sector or our life .Experience in business converted all type of service in to income generating profession.That is education in private school,drinking water even religious service of priest.Man has been able to produce cost effective and 0 defect commodity.It has also opened new way to generate income in new scheme and plan viz-networking business.Experience has taught the business-man how to do monopoly business by capturing the power of politics  in their hand directly or indirectly.In factories new developed tool and machineris is used for which man is able to produce 50 -60 times faster than he used to.

Experience and civilization

           If man would not have gain experience from past and what he crossed-through, the world would be today an ancient stone age.History says how the course of modern civilization changed when human being use his experience for the purpose to turn  discomfort in to better and comfortable life maintenance.An experience civilization made state and ruled it and left monuments of developed condition to the next generation and put them in a channel by framing rule and regulation.

         Now the time has come to step carefully .when the Sputnik encircles the earth from the time when first atom bomb put in Hiroshima .The missile  and the contraceptive, the internet and the Human cloning than the  abortion .A child may he  be a genius whose effort could brings new era to the civilization, leaves the world before opening his eye.A Little wrong step will give us no chance of a second to think and we see the whole human race ended.

Lets feed the poor and hungry and support the new talent young. leaving our jealous of age, old, senior,richness  and powerfulness .Age makes man only grow old not intelligent, talented and genius.They are made by their confidence, effort and courage. Money can buy everything but can't buy innovative idea and ready wit. Many can make engineer and doctor but can't buy a remedy how to cure of an unknown disease or built a natural cascade stop a cyclone, earthquake. Till now scientists are not able to make a dead alive.  Man observed the monopoly of king then aristocracy of feudalism,socialism.All ruling ended in failure. Then according to experience of great man civilization adopted democracy.